• Adyar, Chennai 600 020, Tamilnadu, India.
  • +91 91766 47868
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XML Submission

Home XML Submission



Our System is used for Multiple RA (Remittance Advice) XML Claim Submission for Insurance Team in Hospitals and Clinics. This System will automatically segregate the Multiple RA Claims into Accepted and Rejected Claims.


  • Reduce the Claim Rejections
  • Increase the Payment and Turnover
  • Reduce the Manpower Usage Time
  • Editing the approved insurance amount since download in XL Format and
  • Output Data (XML & XL) can be easily integrated with any HIS
  • To fill the system gap which exists in most of the HIS System


  • Our System will accept and submit a set of XML Files (Multiple RA Claims)
  • Our System will read multiple RA Claims XMLs and separate this into two XML files
  • Accepted XML File (ii) Rejected XML File
  • Analyzing the XML Data which is received from Insurance Provider
  • Our System will create a batch no. for each claim submission
  • When batch is created, XML and XL are generated and gets auto downloaded
  • Our System provides the option (Success / Failed) to update based on the HIS Submission Success / Failure
  • Our System maintains all batches in a list with their Claim Ids detail under each batch
  • Our System will maintain the services (Service Code) under each claim under each Branch, each Insurance Provider (Branch Insurance provider Claim Service)
  • Accepted / Rejected Claims are kept for each Service Code
  • Claims under Successful Batch can be downloaded in XML or XL at any point of time
  • Our System will not allow the same Service Code under same Claim ID for Submission

Dashboard Reporting:

  • Branch
  • Insurance Provider
  • Claim ID
  • Claim Type (Accepted / Rejected / All)
  • Batch Type (Batched / not Batched / All)
  • Transaction Date / Start Date


  • Upload Multiple RA Claim XML Files
  • Separating uploaded XMLs into Accepted & Rejected XMLs
  • Create Batch for selected Claims under Accepted or Rejected or Both
  • Generate XML for Accepted & Rejected
  • Download XL from XML
  • List of Created Batches
  • List of Submitted Services / Claims under each Batch
  • Update the Status (Success or Failed) for each Batch
  • Branch Master
  • Insurance Master
  • Employee Master
  • User Master
  • User Rights Master