• Adyar, Chennai 600 020, Tamilnadu, India.
  • +91 91766 47868
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  • Cost Effective


  • On Time

    Project Delivery

Estimation Software

Home Estimation Software


This is the software solution for Estimation preparation for Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Works under any Buildings. It creates estimation quantity sheet and generate estimation values for each project with each abstract of works. Estimation is generated based on the predefined SOR Items and variable NSOR Items. Estimation is comprised with all Cement & Steel Quantities and Values.


  • Project Master
  • Department Budget
  • Abstract Budget
  • SOR Items (Schedule of Rates)
  • NSOR Items (Non SOR – Variables)
  • Quantity Sheet
  • Cement Qty & Values
  • Steel Qty & Values
  • CRM Values
  • D & G Exp (Direct & General)
  • Assign Allocation
  • Estimation (Generate, Clone, Revise)


  • Maintaining all Estimation Master and Transaction Data in one place
  • Handling all SOR & NSOR item data in one database globally
  • Cloning of existing Estimation and creating a new Estimation in a easy way
  • Estimation values are taken from the system automatically once Quantity Sheet is created
  • Cement Quantity is taken automatically from Estimation Quantity Sheet
  • User wise restricted access to the estimation flow
  • 100% to avoid manual human errors
  • Able to get any estimation data and reports at any time
  • To reduce the time taken to create estimation
  • Multi User Management
  • User Access & Logs